Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Researching Contents Pages!

Now I have analysed the front covers of rock and country music magazines I will look at the contents pages of these magazines to help me produce my own. As I have decided to go through with the rock genre idea I will be focusing my research now on this particular type of music magazine. I analysed the front cover of Kerrang therefore i will be analysing its contents page to see how both relate to one another.
The first thing  you can notice when looking at this contents page is the amount of images that have been used. There is one main image and several other supporting images that illustrate the contents of this magazine. The main large image has been used again to draw in the readers attention and to relate to the contents of this issue. These images also show what type of magazine it is as they are photographs are 'rock bands'. The main image has been used as the target audience of this magazine are likely to be interested in the band that has been photographed as Kerrang targets the readers that like this style of music. Therefore this image would be adding interest which would influence the readers to want to find out what is written about this band in the magazine.
The smaller supporting images located around the page have been placed next to the text that they are illustrating. One of these images is of the celebrity named Gustav Wood from the rock band young guns, his name and page number have been placed just above the image to make it clear that this photograph is representing this text. The supporting image is related to the article involving an interview with this celebrity. By having a picture of him and an interview this gives the reader the impression the magazine is showing off a friendly approach with the celebrities and the readers. Kerrang is helping its readers get to know the band members to make them feel more familiar with them. When I come to produce my contents page for my final production i will be using a lot of images to support the articles, draw in reader attention and to add more interest.
Kerrang has placed the magazine's name in the middle of the page to relate to the front cover. This is making the name of the magazine stand out to the readers, and by having it written more than once in the mag this is making the readers become more familiar with the magazine and will make them recognise it.
Like the front cover of Kerrang the magazine has used a consistent housestyle and has mainly used the colours black, yellow, red and white. This makes the magazine look professional and well presented, and also makes the two pages relate to oneanother. By using the same colours on the contents page this helps to support the front cover. Also, the same style fonts have been used for the text. All of the writing is clear and easy to read and has been placed into different collumns on the page to seperate the types of articles included.
Ways in which the magazine has made certain texts stand out is by highlighting the groups of the articles. For example the words 'FEEDBACK' and 'ALBUM REVIEWS' have been put into a different colour font than the rest of the text and have been highlighted black. This makes them stand out so the readers are able to easily identify the type of article they wish to read first. When producing my magazine I will use this idea to make certain words more dominant than others. By placing the text into different collumns this makes the information easily accessible to the readers and shows them that the magazine is fairly organised which makes it seem more professionably laid out.
Another way that the contents page grabs the readers attention is by including the special offer of having the magazines delivered to the target audiences house for a reasonable price. All of this information has been placed in a black box at the bottom right hand corner of the page, this is supported by a few images of the actual magazine. Some of the text has also been highlighted in red, by using images and highlighted text this is making the special offer stand out to the readers. Also when the readers turn the front cover page this will be one of the first things they will see as it is located on the right hand side.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren it is extremely important that you start with producing and showng your work. The deadline is next Wednesday to have everything finished! It has to be done Lauren!
